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Sustainability Right Livelihood Centre of the University of Zurich

Public Events

17. Right Livelihood Lecture mit Joan Carling

The 17th Right Livelihood Lecture took place at the University of Zurich on 28 November. On this occasion, the current laureate Joan Carling came to Zurich.

Joan Carling is an indigenous activist from the Philippines who has been campaigning for the rights of indigenous peoples for more than 30 years. Her work ranges from the grassroots to the international level and encompasses human rights, sustainable development, climate justice and the fight against land grabbing. Since the late 1990s, Carling has led several organisations for the rights of indigenous peoples. She continues to play a key role in making indigenous people's voices heard in the Philippines, Asia and around the world. Her goal is to end the systematic marginalisation and criminalisation of indigenous communities.

  • Joan Carling
  • Lecture 2024 Publikum
  • Lecture 2024 Publikum
  • Alyn Ware
  • Joan Carling & Alyn Ware
  • Joan Carling & Ole von Uexküll
  • Aline Steinbrecher
  • Gesine Krüger



Celebration of the Right Livelihood Laureates 2024

On October 3rd, Right Livelihood announced this year's winners of the "Alternative Nobel Prize" in Stockholm. Accordingly, we invited people to celebrate with us at the Kulturpark. The evening offered the opportunity to learn more about the laureates on the day of the announcement and to meet and exchange with colleagues from the university and civil society here in Zurich.
With contributions from Prof. Dr. Gesine Krüger (Department of History, University of Zurich and Board Member Right Livelihood Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Maercker (Institute of Psychology, University of Zurich), Dr. Katharina Weikl (Head of Art x Science, University of Zurich), Prof. Dr. Katharina Michaelowa  (Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zurich).

  • Feier der Right Livelihood Laureates 2024

  • Feier der Right Livelihood Laureates 2024

  • Feier der Right Livelihood Laureates 2024

  • Feier der Right Livelihood Laureates 2024

  • Feier der Right Livelihood Laureates 2024

  • Feier der Right Livelihood Laureates 2024



Lecture Series "Sustainability Now! Inequalities as an Obstacle to Achieving Sustainable Development" 2024



16th Right Livelihood Lecture with SOS MEDITERRANEE

The 16th Right Livelihood Lecture took place at the University of Zurich on 7 December 2023. On this occasion,  the current award-winning organisation SOS MEDITERRANEE came to Zurich. 

SOS MEDITERRANEE is a European maritime humanitarian organisation that rescues people in distress in the Mediterranean, the world's deadliest migration route. Since the beginning of its search and rescue operations, the organisation has brought more than 38,500 people to safety. SOS MEDITERRANEE was founded in response to the tragic deaths in the Mediterranean and the European Union's inability to effectively tackle this problem. In addition to providing medical and psychosocial care on the ground, the survivors are also given a voice by having their stories documented by the organisation.



Celebration of the Right Livelihood Laureates 2023

On Thursday, 28 September 2023, Right Livelihood announced the winners of the "Alternative Nobel Prize" in Stockholm. Accordingly, we invited people to celebrate with us at the Kulturpark.
 The evening offered the opportunity to learn more about the laureates on the day of the announcement and to meet and exchange with colleagues from the university and civil society here in Zurich.
With contributions from Marie-Claire Graf, climate activist, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Loske and Right Livelihood and PD. Dr. Kijan Espahangizi, Prof. Dr. Gesine Krüger and Prof. Kai Niebert of the University of Zurich.



Lecture Series «Sustainability now!»

The second edition of our lecture series took place from 09 March to 01 June 2023. You can find more information under Continuing Education



15th Right Livelihood Lecture with Fartuun Adan and Ilwad Elman

On 23 November 2022, the 15th Right Livelihood Lecture took place at the University of Zurich. Somali human rights defenders Fartuun Adan and Ilwad Elman, came to Zurich for this edition. With their organisation Elman Peace, mother and daughter have developed innovative and culturally specific approaches to support survivors of gender-based violence. They also provide women and young people with vocational training and leadership skills and rehabilitate former child soldiers.

Ole von Uexküll, Prof. Dr. Gesine Krüger, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Siegert and PD. Dr. Aline Steinbrecher led through the evening.

More about Ilwad Elman and Fartuun Adan in the article by Patrizia Schmid



Celebration of the 2022 Right Livelihood Laureates

On 29 September, Right Livelihood announced this year's winners of the "Alternative Nobel Prize" in Stockholm. Accordingly, we invited people to celebrate with us at the Kulturpark.
 The evening offered the opportunity to learn more about the laureates on the day of the announcement and to meet and exchange with colleagues from the university and civil society here in Zurich.
With contributions from Prof. Dr. Silvia Sasse UZH, Prof. Dr. Corinne Pernet PHZ, Dr. Jeannette Behringer Nachhaltigkeitsteam UZH, Dr. Matthias Huss ZKSD, Prof. Dr. Gesine Krüger UZH and Dr. Monika Griefahn, Right Livelihood.



WATER IS A RIGHT - Still Hopeful with Maude Barlow

Under the title "Water is a Right - Still Hopeful", Maude Barlow appeared at the University of Zurich (on Tuesday, 17 May 2022. During the event, Maude Barlow presented the University with the official certificate of admission to the Blue Community. The University of Zurich (UZH) has decided to join the international Blue Community network and receiveved the certificate at this event. It sees its role in particular in gaining and communicating factual knowledge on the principles of the network in research and teaching. But UZH also wants to make a contribution in its operations by increasing the use of tap water instead of bottled water.



Past Events at the University of Zurich

Annual Lectures of Right Livelihood Laureates

2024     Joan Carling, Philippines

2023    SOS MED, International

2022    lwad Elman & Fartuun Adan, Somalia: «Peace is more than the absence of war»

2021    Marthe Wandou, Cameroon: «Marthe Wandou et l’ONG ALDEPA à l’Extrême-Nord Cameroun: parcours, succès, défis et perspectives»

2020    Bryan Stevenson, USA: «Beat the drum for justice»

2019    Aminatou Haidar, Western Sahara: «La lutte non-violante du peuple sahroui»

2018    Tony Rinaudo, Australia: «If you work with nature, miracles are possible» / «Welche Zukunft wollt ihr für eure Kinder?»            

2017    Yetnerbesh Nigussie, Ethiopia: «Focus on the person, not the disability» 

2016    Can Dündar für Cumhuriyet, Turkey: «Wir werden weiter schreiben!»

2015    Gino Strada, Italy: «Effective responses to global humanitarian emergencies» / «Es gibt keine Rechtfertigung für Krieg»

2014    Asma Jahangir, Pakistan: «Human Rights in an Unsafe Environment» / «Ein Leben für die Menschenrechte»

2013    Hans Herren, Switzerland: «Gesunde Nahrung in einer gesunden Umwelt»

2012    Sima Samar, Afghanistan: «Afghanistan – Zwischen Zuversicht und Angst»

2011    Jacqueline Moudeina, Chad: «Im Einsatz für die Gerechtigkeit»

2010    Erwin Kräutler, Brazil: «Im Einsatz am Amazonas»

2009    René Ngongo: Congo: «Kann Kongos Regenwald unsere Erde retten?»

2008    Monika Hauser, Germany: «Wann haben Sie zuletzt vergewaltigter Frauen gedacht?»

Other Events

Lecture and panel discussion with the 2018 RLA Laureate Tony Rinaudo on September 2nd 2019 in cooperation with World Vision and the UZH Sustainability Team.



Weiterführende Informationen

The Right Livelihood Laureates 1980 – 2024