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UZH offers a broad range of courses addressing aspects of sustainable development. This page points to further information resources for students and lecturers.
The following link will take you directly to the chapter «Teaching and Continuing Education» in the web version of the sustainability report, where you can find detailled information in German.
Sustainability Report 21/22: Teaching and Continuing Education
Each semester, UZH offers well over 100 teaching modules covering aspects of sustainable development. The «Green VVZ» is a search filter that dynamically generates a list of these modules.
Green VVZ
In cooperation with the Right Livelihood Center at UZH, the Sustainability Hub organizes the public, interdisciplinary lecture series «Sustainability Now!» every spring semester. Focus topic 2024: «Inequalities as an obstacle to achieving sustainable development.»
Lecture Series «Sustainability now!»
The Sustainability Hub successfully piloted the study week «Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Transformation» (sustainable development and transformation) in autumn 2023. Basic information about this offer, its goals and insights into the 2023 course can be found on the linked page:
Study Week «Sustainable Development and Transformation»
Sustainable development is a complex normative model. It combines knowledge and skills from various disciplines and social areas.
The Sustainability Hub offers individual advice and feedback to integrate or consolidate sustainable development within disciplinary curricula. For advice please contact Jeannette Behringer.write an email to Jeannette Behringer
Tips for integrating sustainability aspects into teaching
Online self-study course “Learning to teach sustainability” by UZH lecturers
UZH promotes lifelong learning with over 90 continuing education courses and 50 continuing education courses. Offers related to sustainable development come in particular from the Institute for Banking and Finance and the Ethics Center.
The following link takes you directly to the continuing training opportunities chapter in the web version of the current sustainability report.
Sustainability Report 21/22 (German)