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Smarter than flying – Virtual conferences

Lecture hall from the back rows to the front of the presentation wall, several people sitting in the plenum, in the presentation area one person who answers questions from the plenum, a projector projects a slide that encourages people to ask questions
Photo of the information event “Smarter than flying – How to organize successful virtual conferences” (13 November 2023)

Are you looking for ways to reduce flight-related greenhouse gas emissions in science? Virtual conferences have become more important in this regard.

The information event “Smarter than flying – How to organize successful virtual conferences” took place on 13 November 2023. This page documents the lectures of the invited experts Pascale Hohl (Head of Event Management UZH), Ariane Wenger (PhD student, Td-Lab ETHZ) and Prof. Michael Zemp (Director World Glacier Monitoring Service, Geographical Institute UZH).

Further links for support websites are also presented.

Advantages of virtual conferences

  • Less CO2e emissions 
  • Lower costs (including participation fees, travel to and from the event, accommodation, meals) compared to on-site participation
  • Greater accessibility and inclusivity, as virtual conferences allow people to attend who might not be able to attend a phyiscal meeting. Thereby science benefits from greater diversity
  • Reduced overall time necessary for participation
  • Less stress with travelling and jet lag
  • Availability of records afterwards

Video recording of the information event "Smarter than flying"

Videoaufzeichnung Infoveranstaltung Smarter than flying (13.11.2023)

Slides to download

UZH services, support and resources

Guidance on using virtual tools used at UZH